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Coconut vinegar relish



Serves 6-10

  • 100ml coconut vinegar
  • 100ml water
  • 100grams castor sugar
  • 1 Lebanese cucumber 
  • 2 eshalots 
  • 1 long red chilli 
  • 2 tablespoons crushed roasted peanuts (optional)




Place coconut vinegar, water and sugar in sauce pan bring to the boil and  summer for  2 minutes.
Allow to cool, will keep indefinitely in the fridge.  
Quarter cucumber length ways and finely slice.
Slice eshalots length ways as finely as possible.
Slice chilli on the angle.
Add all ingredients to relish top with peanuts.
Serve with a wide variety of sweet or hot thai dishes some we use it for are thai fishcakes, crispy pork hock or pork and prawn egg net.

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